Vandalism, Cybercrime and Small Crime Resources
To get support, we need to report!
Comox Valley online crime reporting tool
Crime Reporting | Comox Valley RCMP
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Resources
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a multi-disciplinary approach of crime prevention that uses urban and architectural design and the management of built and natural environments. CPTED strategies aim to reduce victimization, deter offender decisions that precede criminal acts, and build a sense of community among inhabitants so they can gain territorial control of areas, reduce crime, and minimize fear of crime. CPTED is pronounced ‘sep-ted’ and it is also known around the world as Designing Out Crime, defensible space, and other similar terms.
- The International CPTED Association
- Campbell River Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design [PDF]
- CPTED Canada
Counterfeit Currency
Checking bank notes protects everyone. Routinely checking the security features of all notes – large and small – allows cashiers to intercept counterfeits and keep them out of the till and out of your change.
If you have been a victim of a scam, fraud or cybercrime, please contact your local police as soon as possible.
It is also recommended that you report the instance of a scam, fraud or cybercrime, whether you are a victim or not, to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.
What is ransomware?
Ransomware is malicious software, also known as malware, which infects a computer, denies access to the system or data. A sum of money is often demanded by the criminal in order to restore regular system operation. Depending on the type of ransomware used, victims may receive an on-screen alert stating that their files have been encrypted.
Spear-phishing fraud is one of the most prevalent frauds targeting businesses and organizations. Fraudsters take their time to collect information on their intended targets, so they can send convincing emails from a seemingly trusted source. Fraudsters will infiltrate or spoof a business or individual’s email account.