Comox BIA
Comox Business in Action (BIA), Business and Professionals was incorporated on July 11, 2000. Our mission statement reads ~ “Within the Town of Comox, the BIA promotes trade, commerce and an enhanced business and social environment.”
- The purpose of the Society is to promote trade and commerce within the downtown core of the Town of Comox.
- To sponsor, promote and organize special events in order to attract people to the downtown core of the Town of Comox
- To create a more viable, accessible, business friendly atmosphere in the Town of Comox in order to attract new businesses
The Comox BIA Board as a whole meets monthly throughout the year and committee meetings are ongoing. Committees include;
- Advocacy & Development
- Finance
- Marine Advocacy
- Events/Marketing/Tourism.
Please contact us if you are interested in participating on one of our committees.
2024/25 Board of Directors
Peter Chambers – President
Barbara Hansen – Vice President | Blackfin Pub
Sharon Neville – Secretary | Comox Valley Marina
Bill Coltart – Treasurer | Big Animal Encounters
David Coon – Director | Comox Centre Mall
Kurt Reimer – Director | Tidal Cafe
Stuart Robinson – Director | Compass Adventures
Cleo Tetrault – Director | Panacea Massage and Wellness
Cleon Rowel – Director | Scotiabank, Comox